Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Power of a Pen

Ahhhh February...the time of year when the previously packed gym suddenly feels a little emptier and the healthy vibe that once filled the air is replaced with the more usual rushed, stressed, and running-out-of-time looks painted on everyone's face. January is a month filled with inspiration, focus, drive, and determination. But by February we often forget what our goals were and are "too busy" to accomplish anything other than merely surviving our day to day schedule. Where are you at with your new year's goals? At the beginning of the year I always make a "bucket list" specific for that year and post it on my bathroom mirror so I see it everyday. My list is filled with goals I have for myself in every area of my life; home, work, self, etc. Some are specific goals "date night with hubby 2x/month" (Ha! Not happening with a 3 month old but if I aim high I land close :) Some goals are more broad "teach more training certifications". There are no rules to the bucket list. It shouldn't feel stressful to create or accomplish. It should be inspiring and centering to take a few minutes to yourself, focus and jot down your hopes and dreams. Since my list is posted where I see it everyday I'm always aware of it and able to adjust the goals if needed. There are goals I don't reach every week although since I see the goal written down I aim for it and work to get "back on track" if I fall off. I was a bit too eager to get back into running after I had Makayla and ended up with a flu and foot injury all in the same week so my "cardio 5 days/week" goal was put on hold for 2 weeks. Since I see that goal posted on my mirror I'm eager to accomplish it. Now that my foot feels like it has recovered I pulled my planner out and scheduled my workout times for this week. Go ahead, give it a try. Grab a piece of blank paper, a pretty colored pen, a glass of wine and dream for a few would be surprised what comes true when you write it down!

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