Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Poison In Your Kids Juice, Baby Food, and Snacks?!

Nothing drives me more crazy than when food is promoted as "healthy" and toxic substances lie within! Dr. Oz recently revealed the amount of Arsenic that is "hidden" in apple juice and apple juice concentrate. Here is the information you need to know. Even if you don't consume apple juice, keep reading because apple juice concentrate is in everything from adult snack bars to baby food. Many products are marketed as health food because they are "sweetened with apple juice" instead of processed sugar. While this is a great idea, it is only truly healthy if the apple juice or apple juice concentrate is organic. Here's why:

-The US has NO regulations for the amount of Arsenic that is allowed in apple juice and apple juice concentrate. Arsenic levels in our water are regulated by the FDA. The highest ranking of Arsenic allowed in water is "10".

-The US imports the majority of the apple juice concentrate we consume. The juice and concentrate comes from countries (mostly China) that have less strict/no regulations in regard to the amount of Arsenic that is allowed in these products. In addition these countries generally have more Arsenic present in their water, soil, and pesticides. All of which are used to grow the apple trees.

Here is the ranking the following Juice Brands tested at:

Minute Maid: 2-3
Juicy Juice: 2-22
Motts: 4-16
Apple and Eve: 3-11
Gerber: 3-36!
*All the brands above were tested with their non-organic juice. All organic juices tested ranked below the allowed Arsenic level for water. One more reason to buy organic when possible!

While a single juice box (laced with Arsenic) won't cause you or your child cancer, chronic toxicity can occur from consuming this and snacks sweetened with apple juice concentrate. Here is what you can do to make the best choices possible:

-Make sure the apple juice or products with apple juice concentrate you buy are from the US.

-Buy Organic versions of apple juice and snacks with apple juice concentrate.

Remember, as a consumer you vote with your wallet. Buying products that are healthier show companies what the public wants!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Get Your Drink On

Despite the brief and oh-so-nice cooler weather last week, summer has definitely proven itself to be here with the high temps we are now experiencing! Although summer is a wonderful time of year it also happens to be the time when we are most likely to be dehydrated. I just heard a statistic on the news this morning..."60% of kids show up at school or camp already dehydrated" eeek! Most of us walk around completely dehydrated which leads to all sorts of unwanted issues; high cholesterol, low energy, poor skin, inability to lose weight, increased hunger just to name a few.

While pure, fresh water is always best I have so many clients who prefer a little flavor so here are some healthy options to spruce up your liquids!

~Add lemon, mint, orange slices, strawberries, or cucumber to your water pitcher. Keep the pitcher out on your counter all day. Room temp water is better for you but seeing the pretty pitcher will also remind you to drink up!

~Brew (or buy) a large pitcher of herbal iced tea. I use the Mr. Coffee brand iced tea maker and put a combo of decaf lipton tea and herbal tea to add flavor. My favorite is peach! I also regularly get a venti unsweetened passion iced tea from Starbucks when I'm out and about. Make sure to leave sugar out of your tea, if needed add some xylitol or stevia.

~Nature's Splash is a healthy alternative if you're a Crystal Light lover. Remember, artificial sweeteners are BAD, SO BAD for you so avoid them!

~Zevia is a natural, zero calorie soda. They have a variety of flavors and are delicious and refreshing when you need a little something more.

~If you're out drinking with friends go for a this yummy drink I learned when vacationing with Angelina Jolie's body double (of course I asked her a million questions about her secrets to staying in amazing shape!)
                        Vodka (choose a good one)
                        club soda
                        a drop of cranberry juice (the drink should be the palest shade of pink)
                        squeeze in a bunch of lime
The drink is so refreshing and light and you are avoiding so much of the sugar the calorie bomb drinks have! Chilled white wine or a good glass of red is also great!

~Freeze some fresh raspberries in ice cubes and drop them into your water with a few mint leaves.

Remember if you are feeling thirsty you are already dehydrated and our bodies can often mistake thirst for hunger so drink up!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Most Delicious Healthy Cookie!

Chocolate Chip Cookies...
This recipe was just given to me and I had an opportunity to try it out...WOW!! These cookies are so incredibly moist and delicious! They look and taste just like traditional chocolate chip cookies but are so much healthier! Here is the recipe, enjoy :)

1 c Almond Butter (unsalted, stirred well)
3/4 c Brown Sugar or Sucatant
1 Egg
1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 teaspoon Salt
3oz 70% Cocoa Chocolate

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix first 5 ingredients together, add in chocolate chips. Drop tablespoon scoops onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes, cool on sheet for 5 minutes, cool on rack for 15 minutes. Try not to eat all in one sitting!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Real Deal On Carbs

For a long time now, carbohydrates have been labeled the “bad” nutrient. For decades many people attempted to completely ban carbs from their diet in hopes to lose weight. Unfortunately those who succeeded in banishing the nutrient found their success short-lived. The health industry has done a lot of research and finally found the middle ground in concern to carbohydrates. Here is what we know and how to use it to your advantage:

ºNot all carbs are created equal…different carbohydrates rank differently on the glycemic index scale. This means that depending on the carb you consume your blood sugar level will be affected differently. We know that foods with a high glycemic index spike our blood sugar leaving us hungry sooner and more likely to crave foods high in sugar. White rice has a glycemic index in the 80’s depending on the type, brown rice is in the 50’s and cherries are in the 20’s. The best type of carbohydrate for our body is fruits and vegetables although whole grains are important and should be consumed in moderation. Carbs ranking higher on the glycemic index have been shown to cause an increase in acne for teens and adults who struggle with this issue.

ºOur body is very efficient in using carbs…Our body has a great three-step process when it comes to utilizing carbs. First, it is used as immediate energy if needed. If we don’t need the energy immediately our body will attempt to store it in the muscles and liver for use later. If these stores are already full any excess carbs are stored as fat. If you are trying to lose body fat the goal is to consume enough carbs for energy but not so much that excess is converted to fat.

ºCarbs are VERY important to consume…Carbohydrates are such an important nutrient that they are the only one where the digestion process begins in the mouth instead of our gut. We have enzymes in our saliva that begin the process of breaking down carbohydrates right in our mouth. Carbs are often nicknamed “brain food” because of their importance in blood sugar regulation and cognitive function. This explains the foggy-brain, light headed, “out of it” feeling many people experience when attempting to cut carbs completely.

ºConsuming carbohydrates at different times of the day will effect our bodies differently…Because we know carbohydrates that rank higher on the glycemic index elevate our blood sugar levels and any elevation results in a deceleration (hunger) it makes sense to keep heavy, high glycemic index-carbs out of our first meal of the day. Our first meal of the day is breaking the fast we were in all night so we want something that will wake up our metabolism but not spike our blood sugar so high that it kicks off a yo-yo effect all day leaving us eating more, high sugar food. Because we know whole grain carbohydrates (brown rice, whole wheat, spelt) take our bodies longer to digest it makes sense that we shouldn’t eat these later in the day. If we do, by the time our body has digested it we are fast asleep or nearing it and the carb is more likely to be stored as fat. Recent research has also shown carbohydrate consumption in the evening can inhibit the hormones that replenish our bodies over night. This can cause us to wake up void of the well rested look and feeling.

We can use this information to our advantage if we are trying to lose excess body fat:

Eat carbs,
not too much,
at the right time of day.

While I always advocate intuitive eating, many of us have attempted too many diets which caused our food intuition to be way off key. Until our intuition is back on track and we naturally crave what our body needs we need to follow a balanced meal plan. Here is an example of a healthy, balanced day, consuming carbohydrates in the ways and times that benefit our body the greatest!

Within 1 hour of waking: small piece of fruit OR unsweetened yogurt OR Green Drink OR a few almonds.

1-2 hours later, breakfast: Omelet OR protein shake

2-3 hours later, lunch: Half sandwich on whole grain (or gluten free) bread, side salad or raw veggies with hummus OR salad with a few whole grain crackers on the side.

2-3 hours later: fruit and nuts OR greek yogurt with berries and almonds OR brown rice cake with peanut/almond butter.

2-3 hours later, dinner: grilled chicken/fish, sautéed spinach and carrots, side salad.

This is just an example, take the above facts regarding carbs and work them into your diet as efficiently as possible. Adjusting on days you are doing more or less exercise.

Below are some of my favorite, lighter carb meals and snacks:
         Spinach and mozzarella topped with avocado
         Peppers topped with salsa
         Mushroom, spinach, cheddar

Unsweetened greek yogurt with berries and sliced almonds

Deli roll-ups: ½ a piece of cheese wrapped in turkey/chicken cold cut dipped in mustard

Stir fry

Veggies and hummus

Banana and peanut butter

Apple and almond butter

Salad, salad, salad
         Mixed greens, cranberries, walnuts, feta, topped with tuna
         Arugula, sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts, avocado, garbanzo beans
Strawberries, spinach, feta, almonds

Reverse pasta (Load up on veggies, marinara sauce, lean meat and top with a bit of brown rice pasta)

Home made sorbet (blend frozen fruit, top with shredded coconut)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

C-Section Recovery

Most women anticipate labor with a little bit of nervousness as the day approaches but quite frankly DREAD a C-Section. I know I did...I thought I prepared myself to be open to the idea of a C-Section if my labor journey turned down that road but my goodness...I WAS NOT Prepared. All I could think was I would never get the same level of strength back in my abs, I would be out of commission for weeks, and I would have a crazy looking scar that would show in a bikini. The vain part of my that I usually try to ignore was so sad I would never have a flat tummy again. I'm happy to say I was wrong, very wrong. Here are some tips on C-Section recovery and gaining your strength back:

#1: Wrap it up! I'm a huge fan of the belly wraps that are now popular for post-pregnancy. The wrap fits snugly around your belly and gives much needed support along with enough pressure to help your uterus shrink back to it's normal, non-pregnant size. Here is the one I used, there are many on the market now. Belly Wrap

#2: Listen to your doctor! Do not do more activity than your doctor recommends whether it's daily activity or exercise. If you push your body further than it's ready to go you will create scar tissue that will be difficult to cut through in a future C-Section and may even create a "pooch" even when you have lost any excess fat in that area.

#3: Suck it in! When we're pregnant we're so used to relaxing our abdominal muscles and letting it all hang out. We basically take 9 months off from ab work. A great way to wake those muscles back up again is to keep your abdomen drawn in throughout the day. Draw your abs in as if you had a shirt on that's a bit snug.

#4: Belly Breathe! Remember belly breathes use your abdominal muscles and also calm a tired, frazzled new mommy.

#5: Treat your scar! I wanted to make sure any products I used were natural since I was breastfeeding my daughter. I found two great products. When my incision was still healing externally I used Calendula ointment. It's available at Whole Foods and many drug stores. I like to call it my homeopathic Neosporin. Now I always have it in the house for cuts, burns, scrapes. I've even used it for Makayla when she has scratched herself or got a little skin irritation. Once my incision was healed and I wanted to improve the appearance of the scar I used Derma-E Scar Gel.

#6: Don't look back! Because a medical team has to get your consent before a C-Section many women feel they made the decision and sometimes doubt their confidence in hind sight. Everything happens for a reason and every person has their own path. Don't beat yourself up over a C-Section, just move forward and enjoy the amazing baby you have!

#7: Use my tips in the video below to get your abs back in shape. I'll be posting some ab exercises soon :)
Abdominal Strengthening Tips

I'm happy to say I wasn't out of commission for long at all, my tummy is flat again, and my scar doesn't show in any bathing suit! Although none of those points really matter in the scheme of things because my sweet baby girl is here...which is one of the biggest lessons motherhood teaches us.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Berry Beneficial!

We're just coming into strawberry season which means strawberries will be everywhere and it will be much easier to find Organic ones (yay!). Besides being absolutely delicious, strawberries have MANY benefits. They are high in Vitamin C, K, B1, B6 and folic acid, biotin, and dietary fiber. Here are some major health benefits of strawberries:

~Low glycemic index, meaning they are less likely to spike your blood sugar. They are a satisfying snack that will help you conquer sugar cravings in a healthy way!

~Anti-inflammatory, strawberries inhibit COX enzymes in vitro which inhibits inflammatory process.

~Anti-aging, strawberries reverse the course of neuronal and behavioural aging.

~Fights Alzheimer's, strawberries slow the onset and reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease.

~Improves Cardiovascular health, Strawberries have been linked with effecting blood vessels, platelets and lipoproteins positively, which can reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.

~Cancer prevention,  studies have shown that strawberry consumption can increase anti-cancer activity on cancer cells of the breast, oesophagus, skin, colon, prostate and pancreas.

I love to top Greek yogurt with strawberries and sliced almonds, have a bowl for an afternoon pick-me-up, or toss them into a spinach salad with feta cheese!

Although any produce is better than no produce, strawberries are on the Dirty Dozen list so it's especially beneficial to buy ORGANIC strawberries.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You Are What You Use?!

Quick trivia question...what is the largest organ in your body?

Your skin!

Knowing this and knowing our skin is sponge-like and easily absorbs what is placed on it, it makes sense to take a deeper look at the cosmetics and products we use on our bodies. Women who use make up daily absorb an average of 5lbs of cosmetics through their skin each year!

Unfortunately the FDA doesn't regulate cosmetics and beauty products (hence the name "Food and Drug Administration" has no mention of cosmetics). Because these types of products are not closely monitored they can contain some really harmful substances. Here are just a few:

~Ammonium Laureth Sulfate

These chemicals, along with many additional chemicals can cause some major health issues such as:
-Interfere with your endocrine (hormonal) system
-Cause fertility issues
-Harm a developing fetus
-Trigger allergic reactions

Here is what you can do to make better choices:
~Look for products labeled Organic (Burt's Bees, California Baby, Jason, and Giovanni are some of my favorites)
~Do your research. Type your product into Skin Deep's database to see if it's safe.
~Don't be fooled by marketing lingo:
     -"For Professional Use Only". This phrase allows cosmetic companies to remove harmful chemicals from their labels.
     -"Hypoallergenic". No actual testing is necessary to claim that a product is "hypoallergenic", "allergy-free" or "safe for sensitive skin". Neither the FDA nor any other regulating body even requires the companies to prove these claims.
     -Harmful Chemicals. Unless they are intentionally placed in the product, harmful chemicals are not required to be listed. It's no shocker that you never see these.

Skin Deep  and Mercola are two websites I visit frequently to research products.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Flat Abs!

Here is a video I did for The Paseo favorite tips and exercises for a flat tummy!

Click here to view the video :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quick Full Body Circuit

Here is one of my favorite circuits that will cover cardio and strength training for your entire body with no equipment needed. The whole workout will take you 10-15 minutes total.

1. Plank (Hold for 30 seconds-1minute)
2. Wall Push Ups (30 reps total)

3. Jump Squats (30 reps total)

Do all three exercises in order with no break, rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat. For an extra challenge rest one more time and get a third set it :)

Fitness Solution: We don't always have time for a long workout. Fitting in a short circuit is still very beneficial. Do what you can, when you can, with what you have!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Green Water Explained...

Many of you have been noticing my green drink I've been toting around...and giving me the "what crazy healthy thing did you find now?!" look. I've been adding Greens To Go to my water bottle once a day and LOVING it! Any time something seems too good to be true I usually don't bother researching it much. You all know I'm a firm believer of consuming foods in their most natural state and not trying to find modified food sources. However, this product has been on the market for a bit and I keep hearing positive feedback about it so I thought I would look into it more and give it a try. I don't recommend drinking your greens instead of eating them but I do recommend sipping on a bottle of this throughout the day or in combination with a snack for the following benefits:

~Increase antioxidant consumption

~Increase phytonutrient consumption

~Reduce your body's level of acidity

~Increase your energy

~Improve digestive health

I notice a definite energy boost when I drink mine and love that I'm getting this naturally from antioxidants and other organic nutrients instead of caffeine. Greens To Go is free of caffeine and is sweetened with a small amount of Stevia and Xylitol. I start everyday at 5am so I've been using this at that time and enjoying it!

Fitness Solution: Add this as a supplement to all the great servings of fruits and veggies you're already consuming, to flavor your water, give you more nutrients, and get a great energy boost!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Power of a Pen

Ahhhh February...the time of year when the previously packed gym suddenly feels a little emptier and the healthy vibe that once filled the air is replaced with the more usual rushed, stressed, and running-out-of-time looks painted on everyone's face. January is a month filled with inspiration, focus, drive, and determination. But by February we often forget what our goals were and are "too busy" to accomplish anything other than merely surviving our day to day schedule. Where are you at with your new year's goals? At the beginning of the year I always make a "bucket list" specific for that year and post it on my bathroom mirror so I see it everyday. My list is filled with goals I have for myself in every area of my life; home, work, self, etc. Some are specific goals "date night with hubby 2x/month" (Ha! Not happening with a 3 month old but if I aim high I land close :) Some goals are more broad "teach more training certifications". There are no rules to the bucket list. It shouldn't feel stressful to create or accomplish. It should be inspiring and centering to take a few minutes to yourself, focus and jot down your hopes and dreams. Since my list is posted where I see it everyday I'm always aware of it and able to adjust the goals if needed. There are goals I don't reach every week although since I see the goal written down I aim for it and work to get "back on track" if I fall off. I was a bit too eager to get back into running after I had Makayla and ended up with a flu and foot injury all in the same week so my "cardio 5 days/week" goal was put on hold for 2 weeks. Since I see that goal posted on my mirror I'm eager to accomplish it. Now that my foot feels like it has recovered I pulled my planner out and scheduled my workout times for this week. Go ahead, give it a try. Grab a piece of blank paper, a pretty colored pen, a glass of wine and dream for a few would be surprised what comes true when you write it down!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup

With the mixed messages regarding high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) streaming through the media, the public is finding itself at a cross-roads again! Is it healthy? If it’s not healthy, is it harmful?

Most people would agree HFCS is unhealthy. Recently manufacturers began funding commercials (approximately $30 million) aiming to convince the public that HFCS is healthy because it is made from corn. As we all know, just because a product is derived from something that is not harmful does not mean the new product is safe as well.

Here are the facts for HFCS:
-The number one source of calories in the United States is HFCS
-The average American consumes 12 teaspoons of HFCS daily
-Teens and other “high consumers” may consume up to 80% more
-HFCS contains mercury. Mercury is toxic in any form!
-HFCS is metabolized as fat in your body far FASTER than ANY OTHER sugar
-HFCS is linked to: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, increase in Triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, and Liver disease, just to name a few.
-Fructose contains NO enzymes therefore it takes micro-nutrients from your body instead of nourishing your body.

You decide if it is something you want to consume!

If you decide HFCS is not for you (which I hope you do!) then simply begin to look for it in the ingredients of the food you eat and then AVOID it! Often times it can be hidden in dressings, marinades, candy, juices, snacks, etc. The number one source of HFCS is soda, although some of the “natural” ones sold at Whole Foods or other health food stores do not contain HFCS.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Cardio...everyone's favorite pass time right? It sure seems like it when you consider all the people you see in the gym logging exuberant amounts of time on cardio equipment. What most people do is called "Steady State" or SS cardio. While this is okay once in a while or for a particular demographic, it definitely isn't the most efficient way to burn fat and therefor not the best choice for the average gym-goer who is trying to drop pounds, lean out, and stay fit. "Steady State" cardio is doing the same level of intensity for a prolonged period of time. The problem with this type of exercise is that your body begins to burn muscle instead of  fat. Even if your goal isn't to "bulk up" with muscle, you certainly don't want to be losing muscle. Remember, muscle burns approximately 50% more calories than fat. Muscle is GOOD! Besides the fact that this type of cardio can potentially make you lose muscle, it also takes a lot of time. How many people do you know who have time to do 45 minutes or an hour of cardio a day? Not many! So what is the most efficient way to burn fat, preserve lean muscle mass, lean out, and increase your fitness? Let me introduce you to intervals...

Intervals are A-MAZE-ING! Here are a few reasons why:
1. Burns more calories in less time.
2. Are more fun to do since you're constantly switching up your intensity.
3. Creates an "after burn" or EPOC effect meaning your body will actually burn more calories long after you leave the gym.
4. Increases endorphin production more so than SS cardio so you feel incredible for the rest of the day.
5. Decreases your resting heart rate. A lower resting heart rate indicates a more efficient, thus healthier heart.

Here is how intervals work. Choose the type of cardio you want to do (treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc.)

~Warm-up for 3-5 minutes at a moderate pace.

~"Hard": Increase your intensity (speed, incline, or resistance) and give it your all for 1 minute

~"Easy": Decrease your intensity (speed, incline, or resistance) and recover for 3 minutes

~Repeat this "Interval" process, alternating "Hard" and "Easy" for 20 minutes

~Cool down for 3-5 minutes

 Here is an example of walk/run intervals. These can be done outside or on a treadmill.

1. Warm-up at 3.0 speed, 1.0 incline or a brisk walk for 3-5 minutes.

2. Sprint at 6.0 speed, 1.0 incline (if you can sprint faster go for it!) for 1 minute or run as fast as you can if you're outside.

3. Recover at 3.0 speed, 1.0 incline or a walk if you're outside for 3 minutes.

4. Continue to repeat steps #2 and #3 for 20 minutes (you can increase this amount of time as needed when necessary).

5. Cool down at 2.5 speed, 0 incline for 3-5 minutes or a slow walk if you're outside.

I always change the type of cardio I do so I decrease the wear and tear on my joints and stay entertained. If you choose the elliptical, bike, or rowing machine you can increase the resistance or speed for the "hard" section. On the treadmill you can chose to increase the incline instead of sprinting if you don't want to run. If you're at home you can do jumping jacks/squat jumps for your "hard" and march in place for your "easy". Get creative and have fun with it! Just remember to always pay attention to your form.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 Secrets of Success

Happy New Year! As we begin 2011 many of us have some type of fitness goal on our agenda. We may be trying to lose a few pounds, improve our cholesterol, or tackle a 5k. Whatever the ultimate goal is, it's important to have the most efficient approach to reach it! Success is a huge motivating factor, if you're not reaching your goal it's likely you'll give up. Below are the "5 Components of Fitness" (courtesy of the National College of Exercise Professionals, an organization I am an instructor for). By addressing each of these components success is inevitable!

1.Nutritional Guidance: Take a look at your nutrition. Notice I didn't say choose a "diet". Do you have a variety of healthy food in your diet or is the only kind of fruit you've eaten for the last year apples? Are you drinking enough water? Are you limiting your processed food and sugar intake?

2.Flexibility Training: A big misconception is that we don't need to stretch if we're not sore. This is not true! We all have muscular imbalances, whether we exercise regularly or not, and need to address them in order to keep our bodies functioning efficiently and pain free.

3.Cardiovascular Training: Even if your goal isn't to lose weight you need to do cardio! Your heart is a muscle and needs to be worked to stay strong.

4.Resistance Training: Do you have a solid strength training routine? Are you switching it up or have you been doing the same side lunges to target your outer thighs for years now? Variety is key! Challenge your body with new exercises!

5.Attitude Training: Are you beating yourself up if you miss a workout or looking for ways to stay motivated and inspired? A positive attitude goes a long way and makes the journey so much more fun!

 In order to reach your goal, no matter what it is, it's important to look at a variety of contributing factors and address them each. For instance, if you're training for a 5k and only focus on cardio you aren't giving your body the greatest chance to succeed. By implementing the other components you are creating the most efficient plan to reach your goals. This makes success come sooner and with a much lower chance of injury or burn out!

Whatever your personal goal is, take all of the components into consideration and go get em'!